Easter is the main festival in the Christian calendar and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christians among us are all familiar with the story of Easter, which begins with Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Tuesday to the uninitiated!). Traditionally, we use up all the delicious goodies in the kitchen in preparation for the period of fasting, known as Lent. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, where Christians are reminded of how close life is to death, and all life is a journey to death. But death is a door to eternal life.
Some of those who attend church services are marked with the sign of the cross by the priest who imposes the word “You are made of dust and ashes, and into dust thou wilt return”.
Ash Wednesday is followed by 40 days of Lent, which commemorates the days Jesus spent fasting, and contemplating, in the desert before he was put to death on the cross. During these 40 days, according to the Christian gospel, he was tempted by Satan many times.
Holy Week happens towards the end of Lent with a series of events in the Christian calendar, with the Last Supper as most well know of these events, where Jesus gathers his disciples to break bread and drink wine, which today is celebrated of the Eucharist or the communion of Christ. Good Friday is, of course, the last day of Jesus’s life on earth when he was cruelly put to death on a cross.
This, the saddest day in the Christian calendar is followed three days later, by the full meaning of Christianity – Easter Sunday and the Resurrection of Christ.
Our warehouse is closed on the 2nd of April (Good Friday) for donations.
Doorstep deliveries will run on the 3rd of April, but not on the 5th of April (Easter Monday).
The next doorstep delivery and donation sessions will be on the 7th of April.