Meet Our Trustees
Our trustees are a vital part of our charity. They oversee our operation and help us work towards our goal to ensure nobody goes hungry in Epping Forest.
Meet them below and find out why they took on this important role.
Julian Dutnall – Chair of Trustees
After studying Law at Exeter and qualifying as a barrister in 1996, Julian qualified as a teacher and has been in education ever since. Julian has taught in 5 state schools and is currently in his 10th year as Headteacher at Frances Bradley Academy. Alongside teaching Julian Chairs the Havering Festival of Education, sits on the Board of the National Coalition of Girls School in the United States and writes for the National Education Trust.
Sharon Heather – Deputy Chair
Early Bird or Night Owl?
Early bird
Which Church do you attend? LOUGHTON METHODIST
Loughton Methodist
What made you take on the EFFB Trustee role?
My mum and her sisters grew up in food poverty and I am saddened that nothing has changed and people are still in this situation today. I wanted to try and make a difference and to contribute to my community. This coincided with my retirement from 40 years in the city, so as well as being a trustee, I volunteer at the hub and drive for the foodbank too!
What is your favourite meal?
That depends on my mood…My mum made a cracking fried egg sandwich, a good steak, a roast beef dinner or Fish & Chips at the seaside. Nor my favourite food is different – Ice cream any day!
How do you relax?
Swimming, preferably wild – Lake or sea I’m not fussy, baking, reading a good book or digging at the allotment.
Jenny Thompson – Secretary
Early Bird or Night Owl?
Early Bird
Which Church do you attend?
St John’s Buckhurst Hill
What made you take on the EFFB Trustee role?
I did some work with the Peckham Foodbank a few years ago and was keen to get involved in the local Foodbank. When the Trustee roles were advertised I knew I needed to apply.
What is your favourite meal?
Anything fishy!
How do you relax?
Long walks in Epping Forest and pottering in the garden
Zach Cook – Treasurer
Early Bird or Night Owl?
Mostly night owl
Which Church do you attend?
St Mary’s Loughton
What made you take on the EFFB Trustee role?
Knowing that there are people who are hungry because they cannot afford to buy food
What is your favourite meal?
Lamb Jalfrezi
How do you relax?
Painting and Netflix