
Epping Forest Foodbank has put together a collection of recipes help those looking for low-cost meals.

All of our recipes use as many ingredients from the emergency food boxes as possible.

Here is a list of our recipes:

Light Bites

Main Meals


Mixed Up Beans

Broccoli Tikki

Beany Bread Pies

Mackerel and Mango Salad

Ratatouille Sur Du Pain

Tuna and Red Onion Salad

Muffin Much Pizzas

Easy Peasy Curry

Tuna Tortilla

Funghi Frussilli

Creamy Pollo Pasta

Eggy Hot Dog Rice


Tuna and Rocket


Lemon Risotto

Ruby Hash

Ham and Pea Stew

Curried Pilchard

Bacon and Sauerkraut

MakkaroniO Arroz com FeijãoCrab Linguine

Lentil Pasta

Artichokey Spaghetti

Ham & Cheese Bake


That’s Peachy

Perfect Pancakes

Beautiful Bunuelos

Lychee and Lime Sorbet

Mango Sponge

Mug of Coffee Cake

Caramel & Pear

Each recipe card has a break down of the typical cost of the meal. This was correct at the time of publication and may change.